the process

Once you have confirmed your choice of the 44 sqm. (one or two bedroom), 57 sqm. or 25 sqm. design, engineering and building plans will be supplied to assist you in obtaining council approval or we can take care of this process for you.

Once your build begins, we will confirm the colours and finishes. If you’re keen to see your dream come to life, you’re welcome to visit along the way.

Payment terms include an initial deposit, progress payments and final payment on completion inspection prior to transportation, or after installation if we are facilitating site works and install. We can assist to obtain a quote for transportation with our preferred supplier.

We want to see each Not So Tiny project through to the end, so we will be there the day of transportation, escorting your Not So Tiny build to its new home, where it will then be ready for plumbing and electrical connections.

frequently asked questions

We recommend you speak with us before contacting a lender as it is important to communicate clearly what our product is - we can help you with this wording.

No, but we can recommend professionals who can and be present on site to project manage this process.

Yes. While we have a selection of colours offered to align with our pricing, if you wanted to source alternate flooring, joinery finishes or tiling, you could. This may alter the cost.

No, if not this would be reflected in the cost.

Information to support your submission can be provided, however we also offer (and recommend) a council submission services, including planning and building applications.


We are finding this to be 4-6 months, site depending.

You will find the price of our completed builds on the 'our designs' page of this website.
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